Classic Car Personal Protection Insurance
Should the worst happen, personal protection ensures a payable sum should you be injured or suffer bodily harm.
The affects of an accident or incident on the road can be immediate or long lasting. Personal Protection can help to protect you should the worst happen. If whilst driving the Insured vehicle, you the Insured, suffers bodily injury that results with a loss of a limb(s), permanent disablement, or death then a sum is payable. Also included are additional benefits in the event of a road rage assault.
Cover Includes
- Covers all passengers, not just the driver
- Road rage and assault
- Emergency dental treatment up to £500
- Stress counselling
- Claim up to a total of £20,000
If you would like to talk to our team about Personal Protection, please call 01243 913333 or click on Get a Quote for an instant online quotation, or use our web call back service and we will call you back at a time that suits you.