Standard Classic Car Insurance Policy Benefits

Car insurance policy from Goodwood Classic Solutions comes with several policy benefits as standard. We understand how important many of these features are, and so have ensured that they’re available in all of our insurance policies, to help you get the most enjoyment out of your classic cars, with the minimum of stress.

Windscreen Cover

If your vehicle’s windscreen is damaged to the extent that it would fail an MOT test, you’ll get up to £300 of cover, with no excess to pay on repairs.

Contents Cover

Contents insurance gives you added peace of mind, knowing that your possessions are properly protected against loss, fire, and theft.

EU Driving Cover

Classic car insurance policies from Goodwood Classic Solutions aim to provide you with cover to travel to all EU countries and beyond.

Key Care

No one wants to lose their keys, but if it does happen then every key on your fob will be covered by Key Care if it’s part of your policy.

Legal Protection

Protects you in the event of any out-of-pocket expenses incurred by you following an accident which is not your fault.

Personal Protection

Claim up to £20,000 with personal protection from Goodwood Classic Solutions if the worst should happen while you’re driving your classic car.

Specialist Benefits

Because every classic car is different, we have created a range of specialist policy benefits so that you can shape your insurance exactly the way you want it.

Are you a Member or Fellow of the GRRC? You’ll save up to 15% on vehicle insurance with Goodwood Classic Solutions.

Are you a Member or Fellow of the GRRC? You’ll save up to 15% on vehicle insurance with Goodwood Classic Solutions.